~BLOG TOUR~ WORD OF THE WEEK—Preconception: pre·con·cep·tion (noun) \-kən-ˈsep-shən\: an idea or opinion that someone has before learning about or experiencing something directly (synonym = assumption). ANOTHER BLEARY MONDAY! At…
WORD OF THE WEEK—Assiduous: as·sid·u·ous (adjective) \ə-ˈsij-wəs, -ˈsi-jə-\: showing great care, attention, and effort (synonym = diligent). “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.” And so began the…
WORD OF THE WEEK—Diction: dic·tion (noun) \ˈdik-shən\ : the clearness of a person’s speech; the way in which words are used in speech or writing. As a writer, I often wonder…
Watch as I do my best Julie Andrews impression. Watch as I decide to stick to writing. Recently, I completed my interview on Smashwords while researching the guidelines for e-book…
So this is a picture of me standing in Stratford-upon-Avon beside the birthplace of William Shakespeare, probably the most recognized name in all of literature. Why? Because, without him, we…