Editing: A Love/Hate Relationship
WORD OF THE WEEK—Superfluous: su·per·flu·ous (adjective) \su̇-ˈpər-flü-əs\: beyond what is needed; not necessary (synonym = excess).
I was tempted to give you TWO words this week since I didn’t do one last week.
Because I’m evil like that. Mwah-ha-ha!
But I decided not to overwhelm your senses in order to focus on my newest endeavor: copy editing. While I’ve been copy editing most of my life, both personally and semi-professionally, I’ve only recently decided to move into the professional realm. As an English teacher, I have honed my skills even further as I utilize them on a regular basis with my students’ writing. My degree in Secondary English Education involved a multitude of courses in grammar instruction, academic writing, creative writing, linguistics, and editing. I’m one of those weirdos that thoroughly enjoys editing the work of others. It’s my own work that I dread looking over for the hundredth time, despite the necessity.
While there are many facets of the editing process, basic copy editing centers on grammar and mechanics as well as maintaining a clear and concise focus. This involves finding precise words and eliminating superfluous information. It takes a good amount of experience to be able to spot issues that interrupt the flow of a story.
If you go to my Editing Services page, you can get more information including rates and a comparison chart to the industry standards. My goal is to provide a comparatively inexpensive service for anyone who, like me, does not have the funds to hire your typically-priced copy editor. I can provide the same service for far less, and I will provide a sample using your first chapter or two if you’d like to see my work.
This is for the unpublished authors, indie authors, and others out there who desperately need someone experienced to edit their work. Of course, I feel this is a good step in expanding my career and my name, but I also want to help my fellow indies out as they push through the boundaries within the publishing world. There is no pressure to use my services for those who aren’t interested, but I know there is a market for those in need of affordable copy editing.
My own novel, The First, went through extensive revisions and proofing from myself as well as others, and has been specifically described by many as being well edited. Take a look at my page when you have a moment and consider the benefits of having an inexpensive but professionally edited and polished manuscript that will stand out above the growing pile of self-published authors.
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